Collection Plugins for Cinema 4D R12 with textbooks and instruction


Collection Plugins for Cinema 4D R12 with textbooks and instruction

Year / Date of Release: 2011
Version: R12
Developer: various
Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Language: English
Medicine: Present

System requirements: win32, win64, mac os

Brief description of plug-ins into 3 parts:
1. Katachi_Rulertools_v2.0 – Adds dimensional line (as in Photoshop) in the window – WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. LANDSCAPE-SHADING-KIT-V1 and V2 – A collection of parametric landscaping materials with their istrument editing – WIN / MAC 32 and 64
3. KDZ Greebler v1 01 – Set of three plugins for the generation and distribution of many small facilities given by the parameters – WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. KDZ InterPoserLtd v2 50a – To import from Poser scenes and editing – WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
5. KDZ interPoserPro R120 199m – to import models from Poser and editing – WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. Kekko3D SpeedMud1 1 – A set of tools for accurate simulation and rskladkoy as in CAD programs – WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. KVB Control4D PRO Full – to use HID devices to move around the stage and recording for more realistic animation – WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. LAUBLAB rhino io v1 1 – Import / Export plug-in for Rhino scenes using tools OpenNURBS – WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Lotsofpixels fusionThing v1 15 – For the procedural modeling and animation based on the union, the distortion and manipulation of the full grid, not just the vertices or polygons – WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Mirror Mirror January 2004 – To reflect the objects or copies of himself and axes – WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12

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