FXPhd MAR301 – Advanced Mari

FXPhd MAR301 – Advanced Mari

In this term Gareth will be going into the application of Mari on a high resolution creature for film. He will be covering using Mari in conjunction with other packages and show how you can fit it into your work flow with relative ease. Gareth will be using Mari with Mudbox, Nuke and also show how you can easily use Mari textures in your MentalRay or Renderman set up at home. He will also be covering how to prepare high resolution textures in Photoshop for use in Mari. This will be a project based term showing Gareths process from texturing through to rendering.

Click to view individual classes….

Class 1: Design and objective, gathering reference and setting up my asset in a basic Ldev environment.

Class 2: Painting midlevel displacement in Mudbox (a process that will be possible in Mari in the future)

Class 3: Preparing textures in Photoshop for use in Mari.

Class 4: Painting fine displacement in Mari_part 01

Class 5: Painting fine displacement in Mari_part 02

Class 6: Paintjob, using Mari and Nuke to create the creatures color. Part 01

Class 7: Paintjob, using Mari and Nuke to create the creatures color. Part 2

Class 8: Workshop eyes and all over specular work.

Class 9: Workshop teeth and mouth

Class 10: Workshop feet and claws and any last touch to complete the asset

Home PAGE :– http://fxphd.com/courses#MAR301

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