Simply Maya – Particle Dynamics Rain
Simply Maya – Particle Dynamics Rain | 101.24 MB
Welcome to this Simply Maya tutorial on making it rain where we’ll cover the start to finish process of creating an animation of falling rain with ground splashes. This project is designed specifically to help you take your first steps in using Maya’s particle dynamics system.
Particle Simulations in Maya
Emitters & Colliders
Randomizing Particles
Creating Rain & Ground Splashes in Maya
Maya Air Daemon
Maya Gravity Daemon
We start off in part one by creating an emitter for our particles and proceed to making an air deamon to help make our particles occur at random. Here we take a look at some of the basic particle attributes and how to adjust our settings to get a nice simulation. In part two we make a collider object to give our rain a surface to fall down on before we create proper rain splashes by using the Maya Gravity Daemon.
This tutorial is done in Maya 2011 although you can follow along in older versions of Maya as well. We hope you’ll enjoy this short particle dynamics video and that it will give you a good start in working with Maya dynamics. Credit goes to Michael Mckinley from Zombie Studios for creating the original version of this tutorial. If you’ve previously downloaded our old rain tutorial you can download this one free of charge.
You might also want to check out our Particle Dynamics Snow, it’s similar to this tutorial but covers some different tools and techniques which can be very useful when working with Maya’s particle dynamics system.
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