AETuts+ Premium – Make an Epic Battle Energy Explosion
Difficulty: Intermediate | Run Time: 68:27 min | 588.62 MB
Requirements: After Effects, VCP’s Optical Flares and Trapcode Particular
In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to create the stylized slow motion energy explosion that I used in my Agents of Evil 2: Supercharged short film. In the tutorial I’ll be using VCP’s Optical Flares for the lens flares and Trapcode Particular to make the energy particles and smoke trails. I’ll also be using VCP’s 3D Camera Projection Tutorial to do the camera move. I use a stock smoke clip that Corridor Digital gave out for free (it’s at the end of the video). We’ll go through the process of adding the lighting on the ground, animating the flares, creating the energy particles with smoke trails and making the shock waves.
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Download Links:- Premium – Make an Epic Battle Energy Explosion.part1.rar Premium – Make an Epic Battle Energy Explosion.part2.rar
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