Digital-Tutors – Character Lip Syncing in Toon Boom Harmony


Digital-Tutors – Character Lip Syncing in Toon Boom Harmony

Beginner | 50m 2s | 193.83 MB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Toon Boom Harmony 10.0.1

By utilizing the methods and approaches in the course you’ll be able to get started with your own lip sync projects with confidence while also having a lot of fun.

We’ll begin by drawing different phoneme mouth expressions for our character that will be used for lip syncing. From here we’ll learn about mapping our phonemes to be synced to some imported audio using the auto lip sync feature. Following this we’ll explore how we can use the sound element editor to edit the placement of different mouth expressions that are synced to our audio.

In addition we’ll learn how we can manually edit our mouth expressions in the timeline by using the data and library views. Finally, we’ll explore how we can use the x-sheet to edit our mouth expressions to further refine our lip sync.

NOTE: Even though we are using Toon Boom Harmony for this demonstration, everything that we’ll be covering will be applicable to both Animate and Animate Pro.

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Download Links:- – Character Lip Syncing in Toon Boom Harmony.rar


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Mirror :-!!/fKlKBD1Bxp8fiMO




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