Udemy – Easy Color Grading Course with Davinci Resolve


3.5 Hours | 1.05 GB | Project Files: Included | Software used: Davinci Resolve

This course is the fastest and easiest way to fully understand Davinci Resolve (constantly updated to latest version)
Davinci Resolve is the Hollywood standard for color grading. It’s used in most Hollywood films such as Avatar and Prometheus.
This Davinci Resolve Software training course teaches you how to control, enhance and adjust the colors of your film, to convey your story. One of the most important aspects of determining the look of, for example an action movie, is color grading. Just imagine the movie, The Matrix, colored the same way as a comedy movie. It will look very wrong. And that’s why coloring is a part of the storytelling process. And now, that Davinci Resolve Lite is for free, you have the same tools used by Hollywood, to create a film-look with your footage.
This course is designed with the absolute beginner in mind. No prior knowledge of Davinci Resolve or color grading is required.The course will guide you from basic subjects, like what is saturation and reading the scopes, all they way to advanced subjects such as selective tracking and keying. Along with monitoring tools and techniques.
You will learn the tools and techniques used by the Hollywood professionals, and how to apply the same effects to your production in order achieve the film-look that you desire for your production.
You will start with the basics of Davinci Resolve. And step by step, the course introduces you to the different interfaces and effects you will be using in real production.
At the end of the course, we will be grading 10 real production sessions, using what you’ve learned in the course, and explaining the theories and ideas behind our decisions.

Home Page: _https://www.udemy.com/davinci-resolve/



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Udemy – Easy Color Grading Course with Davinci Resolve.part1.rar
Udemy – Easy Color Grading Course with Davinci Resolve.part2.rar
Udemy – Easy Color Grading Course with Davinci Resolve.part3.rar








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