emotion3D Stereoscopic Suite X3 v3.1.1.3 for After Effects Win64


emotion3D: Stereoscopic Suite X3 AE (SSX3) brings dedicated stereoscopic tools that solve even the most challenging aspects of stereoscopic post-production, whether compositing CGI or keyed material with live action, grading depth or colour, or mastering for multiple 3D screens (e.g. cinema, home theater, laptops and glasses-free 3D displays). The SSX3’s integration into the ubiquitous After Effects host means easier access to artists, while lower entry costs allow even small and mid-size teams to compete for stereoscopic projects.

Home Page: _www.emotion3d.tv/stereoscopic-suite/feature-overview



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emotion3D Stereoscopic Suite X3 v3.1.1.3.rar


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