NVIDIA WaveWorks enables developers to deliver a cinematic-quality ocean simulation for interactive applications. The simulation runs in the frequency domain using a spectral wave dispersion model. An inverse FFT step then transforms to the spatial domain ready for rendering. The NVIDIA WaveWorks simulation is initialized and controlled by a simple C API and the results are accessed for rendering through a HLSL shader API. Parameterization is via intuitive real-world variables, such as wind speed and direction. These parameters can be used to tune the look of the sea surface for a wide variety of conditions – from gentle ripples to a heavy storm-tossed ocean based on the Beaufort scale.
Dependencies DX11
Key Features
Tessendorf’s spectral algorithm, based on Phillips spectrum
Multi-res simulation
Quad-tree tile-based LoDing
Host read-back
DX11 tessellation
Foam simulation
A “no graphics” path for clients (MMO servers)
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Unreal Engine – Nvidia PhysX Vehicles.part1.rar
Unreal Engine – Nvidia PhysX Vehicles.part2.rar
Unreal Engine – Nvidia PhysX Vehicles.part3.rar
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