Learn tips and techniques to advance your natural environment ‘speedpaintings’ in this two hour video. Natural environments can be tricky to reproduce through painting, so I’m going to walk you through various lessons where you’ll learn to create brushes, paint from observation and imagination, and ultimately develop your own style while keeping a fresh and loose style of digital painting inside Photoshop. This video is perfect for all beginning, intermediate and advanced artists who are comfortable drawing and painting in Photoshop.
Brushes, layered files, and reference photos are all included in the download!
*Video run time is approx. 1 hour 55 min. Format is mp4 and will play on Mac or PC. I’m using Photoshop CS5, brushes will work in CS3 through CC.*
Learn tips and techniques to advance your natural environment ‘speedpaintings’ in this two hour video. Natural environments can be tricky to reproduce through painting, so I’m going to walk you through various lessons where you’ll learn to create brushes, paint from observation and imagination, and ultimately develop your own style while keeping a fresh and loose style of digital painting inside Photoshop. This video is perfect for all beginning, intermediate and advanced artists who are comfortable drawing and painting in Photoshop.
Brushes, layered files, and reference photos are all included in the download!
*Video runtime is approx. 1 hour 55 min. Format is mp4 and will play on Mac or PC. I’m using Photoshop CS5, brushes will work in CS3 through CC.*
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Gumroad – Speedpainting Vol.1 Natural Environments by AlexRuiz.part1.rar
Gumroad – Speedpainting Vol.1 Natural Environments by AlexRuiz.part2.rar
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