Skillshare – Dodge and burn: a powerful, yet, easy technique to improve your portraits

In this class I’m going to talk you about Dodge and Burn, a technique I use essentially all the times in my post productions.

It’s quite an easy technique, yet, it can IMPROVE a lot your photos if used correctly!

It’s also easy to mess it up, so it requires some practicing…

As I said in the videos I will add more material to this class over time, like dodge and burn of colored photos for example.

Let me know if I could add something else in this class: something you didn’t understand in the lessons, the explanation of something, etc.



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Skillshare – Dodge and burn a powerful yet easy technique to improve your portraits.part1.rar
Skillshare – Dodge and burn a powerful yet easy technique to improve your portraits.part2.rar










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