SuperLuminal Stardust 1.6.0A for After Effects Win x64

Stardust is a modular 3D particle system for After Effects. It has an easy to use node ba sed user interface and ships with a ton of presets to create stunning effects quickly and easily. The reaction to the sneak peek has been amazing and it’s clear that you guys are eager to get your hands on Stardust.

The reaction to the sneak peek has been amazing and it’s clear that you guys are eager to get your hands on Stardust

Features :
Modular 3D particle system for After Effects.
Node based interface to easily build complex systems in a single 3D space.
Add or replace smart presets in one click.
Replica, a unique tool to replicate particles in many exciting ways.
Countless particle effects for both 3D and 2D looks.

Emitters, Particles, Replica, Forces, Auxiliary Emitters, 3D Models, Text & Mask and Maps.
Space deformers, Sphere, Box, 3d Models, Bend, Twist, Maps, Black Hole.
Splines, animatable as paths and emitters.
Containers to enclose and/or emit particles in a sphere, box or 3D model.



Download Links:-





Mirror :-








1 thoughts on “SuperLuminal Stardust 1.6.0A for After Effects Win x64

  1. Hi, I installed it, but unable to find it in aftereffects plugin folder. I manually created the folder inside plugins but still it’s not working. I tried so many times but no success. Please help.

    Best regards,

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