Digital-Tutors : Creative Development – Voronoi Dynamic Fracturing in Houdini with Luke_Olson
1 hrs. 37 min. |Released on June 15, 2011 |Project Files Included (2 MB)
Required Software: Houdini 11.0
In this series of lessons, we will learn how to create dynamic and high quality fracturing simulations.
Dynamic fracturing of rigid bodies is a powerful and production ready tool in Houdini. The shelf tools are a great place to start but there’s a lot more under the hood that can be leveraged to get high quality and highly tunable results in less time. This tutorial covers dynamic fracturing starting in the context of dynamic simulations, then using dynamic fracturing building blocks to visualize fracturing without the need to simulate anything, and other tip and tricks to attain complex effects and improve robustness of the workflow. The material is based on the assumption that the viewer has a working knowledge of other aspects of Houdini and might have some experience with other DOP simulations. Dynamic fracturing was introduced in Houdini 9.5 but this tutorial was created using Houdini 11.0 so there may be some differences with earlier versions of Houdini.
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Thanks to “MASTER”
Download Links:- Dynamic Fracturing in Houdini.part1.rar Dynamic Fracturing in Houdini.part2.rar Dynamic Fracturing in Houdini.part3.rar
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