The Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray
5.11 GB | 565 minutes | MP4 | 1280×720 | Project Files Included
Forest Techniques, part One with Alex Alvarez
In this DVD, Alex thoroughly covers how to create realistic plants using Maya, Paint Effects and Mental Ray. We begin by evaluating the default paint effects library and how to convert the strokes into renderable geometry with mia Materials. Using Physical Sun/Sky, we create more photorealistic renders through the creation of our own materials in a tonemapped workflow circumventing the default shaders created by Paint Effects. Everything necessary to create double sided shaders with realistic glossy reflections and translucency is demonstrated in detail. We look at mapping all relevant paramaters for more believable shaders via diffuse, bump, reflection and translucency, including how to organize UVs into tiles for variety in our leaf textures. We take an in-depth look at creating ivy with Paint Effects and the Ivy Generator tool and incorporate the discussed techniques for plants and ivy into a cliff scene. All relevant Paint Effects settings are then discussed so that we can create our own custom plant library, all of which culminates in a photorealistic forest trail. We create a variety of plants from scratch including ferns, ground cover clover, spider plants and more, demonstrating how to incorporate them into a complex environment.
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Download Links:- Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part1.rar Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part2.rar Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part3.rar Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part4.rar Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part5.rar Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part6.rar Gnomon Workshop - Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part7.rar
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The_Gnomon_Workshop_-_Creating_Plants_in_Maya_and_Mental_Ray.part7.rar Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part4.rar.html Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part1.rar.html Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part5.rar.html Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part7.rar.html Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part6.rar.html Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part2.rar.html Gnomon Workshop – Creating Plants in Maya and Mental Ray.part3.rar.html
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esta muy bueno este, alguien sabe algo de los otros 3 dvds ?
anyone know about the other 3 dvd?
Easy and be patient. This is enough for start.
Thanks agony, but a love it ! I’m Obsessed whit this theme
why you delete my comment?
I have seen before another comment here about problem in part7 you replied it “there is no problem”
when I started to download parts I count on your comment but now I’ve seen there is really problem … I try to download part 7 twice but problem still is exited
if it’s possible please reupload this part
thank you for reply
ok hop so ..I will download it again !
nothing is changed.. same problem!
have tried 1 more time even from other site that reupload thaire links from your files.. I have seen same error reports in other sites
the downloaded part7 md5 for me is:
please check it up !
thank you and sorry for that
is it possible for you to give me source part7-file md5?
with md5checker:
it’s free
thanks..let me check the link md5
no! the md5 doesn’t match way i have to download this part again! this time will try proxy
but if you can please upload part7(from your server or pc) to one of the mediafire or websites
ok problem solved
when i check keep broken file the ISO file will be extracted after error ! and demon tools could read it ! it’s interesting
i down loaded with rapidgator but mp4 video not playing.
what i do
i m using vlc but it’s not playing audio and video.
Filefactory links would be always great.
THANX in advanced…
of course 🙂
bump 🙂
Pls update all rapidgator links or a active torrent file.