The Foundry – NUKEX 7.0v4 Win/Mac/Linux – XFORCE
The Foundry – NUKEX 7.0v4 Win/Mac/Linux | 187.43 MB , 281.41 MB , 415.32 MB
NUKEX are powerful, award-winning compositing tools that deliver unparalleled speed and first-class feature sets unrivalled in the desktop market.
If you’re in the business of creating high-quality film, animation, commercial or broadcast content, The Foundry’s NUKE products, backed by a large, global pool of trained talent, will bring speed, functionality and flexibility to your pipeline.
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for Mac watch this video. It is made for Windows but for Mac is very similar, as long as you’ve followed the steps from the X-Force crack. You have to modify the xf_foundry.lic using TextEdit and save it.
Hope that helps. Worked for me. Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
thanks thanks very thanks
Anyone have any luck getting the utility to recognize the license?
and the MAC Version???
what a package, 100x thx
Got it to work!! Tears in my eyes. Great crack. I have years of tutorials I can now use :3
& i just thought that I’ve seen it all…
Really exceptional work X-Forces Guys.
Thanks for supplying all this to us
I think that already long time ago You have
become a living legends & this tremendous work
just proves it.
Long live the legend,long live the X-force
May the force be with You :):):)
when i open FLU:
Successfully installed to : C:Program FilesThe FoundryRLMfoundry_float.lic
But what do i have to do in the Nuke promt windows
Purchase Licence
Activate Licence or Use server
Obtain Trial licence
LM Environment Variable Settings ========================
foundry_LICENSE : Not Set
foundry_LICENSE_LOG : Not Set
foundry_SERVER_LOG : Not Set
I am not an expert,but if i am right,similar problem did occurred in my case to.After successful install,when starting Nuke.
It was just a simple issue of my firewall doing crazy things on me.
Have allowed all connections & now it works fine,no more pop out window when Nuke is starting.
I am assuming that You did all of the install procedure right,as explained.
help me.. I can not activate
Thanks thats works preety nice, only follow the txt for make that work 😉
Having a little trouble getting OSX version licensed any help would be appreciated.
Same problem here buddy… I can’t get that working. i did everything word by word as the Xforce guys said…
same problem… help plz
plz torrent link
how to install it ? please help me
windows 7 64
Step 1: If u hav arnold renderer installed,go to services and stop rlm-solidangle.
Step 2: Install ur foundary product.
Step 3: Install the FLU.Stop Foundry License Server from services and Copy the cracked rlm.foundry.exe over the original one (C:Program Files (x86)The FoundryLicensingTools
Step 4: Go to command prompt and type getmac to get your macaddrs. Type hostname to get ur host name.
Step 5:Open the xf_foundry.lic in notepad and type your host name in the place of HOST_NAME and ur macaddrs in the place of MAC-ADDRESS. Also type 6000 in place of port.Save it and copy it to C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLM.
Step 6:Go to control panel>windows firewall and click on “Allow a progrm or feature thru win firewall” next click on “Allow another program”.
Navigate to the C:Program Files(x86)The FoundryLicensingTools7.0binRLM and add rlm.foundry and rlm.mutil to the list of allowed programs.Also u may go to C:Program Files (x86)The FoundryLicensingTools7.0binFLEXlm and add the 3 programs to the list of allowed ones too.
Step 7:Go to start>All programs>The foundry>FLT7.0v232bit and right click Foundry Licencing utility and run as adminstrator.Go to RLM server and click star server.
You are Done 🙂
you were right man
i think you are perfect
cuz arnold was the problem and when i did your way
things became ok
thank you again
when I start RLM server after I completed the instructions, I receive the next message:
=== Begin /Library/Application Support/TheFoundry/RLM/log/foundry.log ===
02/20 09:21 (rlm) RLM License Server Version 9.4BL2
Copyright (C) 2006-2012, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
02/20 09:21 (rlm) License server started on Mac-Pro-de-David.local
02/20 09:21 (rlm) Server architecture: x64_m1
02/20 09:21 (rlm) License files:
02/20 09:21 (rlm)
02/20 09:21 (rlm) Web server starting on port 4102
02/20 09:21 (rlm) Using TCP/IP port 5053
02/20 09:21 (rlm) Starting ISV servers:
02/20 09:21 (rlm) (No ISV servers to start)
02/20 09:21 (rlm) Shutdown request by signal@local
02/20 09:22 (rlm) Shutting down rlm
=== End /Library/Application Support/TheFoundry/RLM/log/foundry.log ===
any help?
My O.S. is Mountain Lion
Thanks in advance
The problem was that rlm.foundry don’t was a unix executable.
can you explain how you fixed that problem please
having this same issue right now on OS X 10.6.8. any help would be awesome. very frustrating. thank you in advance.
So… figured it out finally after some extensive forum trolling.
Indeed the issue is that when the rlm.foundry file is copied on mac it is no longer detected as a “unix executable file” and is instead a “document.” To fix this problem.
1) open Utilities>Terminal
2) Type ‘chmod 755’ (followed by a single space after 755)
3) drag and drop the ‘rlm.foundry’ file into the terminal and hit return. This should revert it back to a unix exec file. afterwards, close and re-open your FLU and re-install your licences and reread/restart the RLM server. should be all good from here.
u r welcome buddy 🙂
Can anyone help with the crack in windows 8 64 bit?
hey guys i do it step by step,but i cant find xf_foundry.lic file,where is this shit file??
or could any one copy/paste his/her own license file content here to create it my self??
PLEASE do me the favor and do this for me,I’M WAITING…
U PUNK Arash use u r damm dump Brain 🙂
I have Windows 7 Ultimate. I have already installed but failed because I can not run properly xf_foundry.lic (probably, maybe there is another cause) I need all the installation instructions for Windows 7 Ultimate x64 bitteeee!
Problems.. Not working for me, I follow every steps . Help plz
After a succesfull license installing, when i’m going to open nuke it says “no licenses found” and gave me the option of “purchase…activate…trial..”
I’ve follow the steps, i’ve installed nuke over 10 times and always the same error=> “sucesfull installation and activation” but when i’m opening appears this error.
Someone help me please? Win7 64bits
read my message cartamania it will help you good luck
i don’t understand something.
Installed, worked, restarted the PC asks again for license.
Made a backup of my system when it works. Every time i backup my system it works and again when i restart it it asks for licence.
Somebody HELP
i did exactly what the install guide says but when i start nuke i get the message asking for 3 choices
Purchase Licence
Activate Licence or Use server
Obtain Trial licence
but when i run the foundry license utility it specifies that there is a license but when i start nuke the startup message says no license detected, what could be wrong here?
read my message it will help you and you will start using nuke:) enjoy
read my message i am explaining exactly how it will be done, but first delete anything related to the foundry nuke so you can start from scratch good luck
i’m not a hacking expert, maybe i can suggest something to the x force team, perhaps the x force team can come up with an activation license or a license file that can be used when starting nuke 7.
another suggestion when i open the foundry license utility, the first column says license install where you can paste a license file. i don’t know what that file is, maybe x force can come up with a file that can be copied and pasted on the license install panel of the foundry license utility.
my pc is windows 7 ultimate 64bit
For anyone have a problem to crack nuke, i will show you exactly how you will do it and it work 100 percent
1.Install Your Foundry Product
2.Install FLT7
3.Stop Foundry License Server
4.Copy the cracked rlm.foundry.exe over the original
one (C:Program Files (x86)The FoundryLicensingTools7.0binRLMrlm.foundry.exe”
5.Edit xf_foundry.lic replacing HOST_NAME MAC_ADDRESS PORT .
You can get those informations using rlmutil.exe ,
a simple dos window ipconfig/all
or you can start
Foundry License Utility and choose Diagnostics and
Run Diagnostics, you will find your hostname, your
mac address (System ID)
PORT is by default 5053
6.Copy the xf_foundry.lic to
C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLM
7. open your firewall and allow the programm rlm and rlmutil and lmgrd.foundry to the firewall which you will find them in programe files (x86). both hpme network and privat
8. Open now foudnry licence utility then this the most important step now. on the section licence install go bring your licence xf_foundry.lic in the program data and drag it to the licence section in foudnry licence utility then you will have a message said that your licence is succeed,
9. go back to your services in control panel, administritive tools, services, then right click ont he services foudry all of them and start them and also, flexlm,
10. back to your foudry licence utility and start rlm server
taht’t you done nuke should work now it work for me 100 percent
Im my pc home and my work
Tell me if you have any problem i will guide you guys enjoy 🙂
i don’t understand something.
Installed, worked, restarted the PC asks again for license.
Made a backup of my system when it works. Every time i restore my backup, my system it works and again when i restart it it asks for licence
Somethin very useful to those who have problem with ISV servers(i think its crucial)
(The RLM should be running) Your Host Ip(see it in diagnostics) may change so go to internet explorer and type:
http://Your Host IP:4102/
A window with rlm utilities open
see in status if your ISV servers are runing (if not i says server down)
than go to reread restart servers and push rereadrestart
go to status again and see if they are running, if yes restart rlm, if not do it again.
I dont now why this is happening but it solve my problem.
i give up. i found an an old version of nuke version 6 also cracked by x force. that one came with a patcher, it installed fine with my windows 7 ultimate 64bit. i’ll study with version 6 for now. hopefully x force will also come up with a patcher for version 7.
i’ll try cartamania’s guide for 1 last try.
please take video tutorial….
ill do it tomorrow
when i open FLU:
and start server
=== Begin C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLMlogserverStatus.log ===
Setting license file path to C:Program FilesThe FoundryRLMfoundry_float.lic;C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLMxf_foundry.lic
rlmutil v9.4
Copyright (C) 2006-2012, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Error connecting to “rlm” server
Connection attempted to host: “???” on port 0
No server in license file (-112)
=== End C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLMlogserverStatus.log ===
=== Begin C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLMlogfoundry.log ===
03/04 16:48 (rlm) RLM License Server Version 9.4BL2
Copyright (C) 2006-2012, Reprise Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
03/04 16:48 (rlm) License server started on Crazyboy-PC
03/04 16:48 (rlm) Server architecture: x86_w2
03/04 16:48 (rlm) License files:
03/04 16:48 (rlm) C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLMxf_foundry.lic
03/04 16:48 (rlm)
03/04 16:48 (rlm) Web server starting on port 4102
03/04 16:48 (rlm) Using TCP/IP port 5053
03/04 16:48 (rlm) Starting ISV servers:
03/04 16:48 (rlm) … foundry on port 62579
03/04 16:48 (rlm) New thread created to watch ISV foundry
=== End C:ProgramDataThe FoundryRLMlogfoundry.log ===
pls give me a video
make sure to install a clean copy of nuke and of course flu, so the rlm will star. Than stop the firewall to be sure the rlm.foundry and other files are not blocked
pls give me a video
pls give me a video
pls give a video
pls give me a video.
pls give me a video tutorial..
give a video tutorial
pls give a video tutorial
video tutorial
A tutrial of Installing nuke7 and fixing the ISV server(i think is the biggest problem here) so nuke do not ask for the licence,
Sometimes you have to do the last procedure several times.
here is the link.
elisbobo thanks sooo soo much!!! 😀 nuke 7 works on my computer !!
thnks elvisbobo….
nuke is working on my pc
You are welcome
if you having any trouble again just shot down first the isv servers and thsn reread
Sorry but i cant make it work in mac!!!
Any help? I follow every step but i get this mesaage:
License Checkout ‘nuke’ Error -4991
Timestamp: Tue Mar 5 16:35:59 2013
License(s) Requested:
nuke 2013.0118 interactive with options all
Extended Info: None Provided
Reason for failure:
FLEXlm : License request failed.
RLM : The license string has an incorrect system ID.
Hel please!!!
You have to copy the licence file to “program data/the foundry/rlm” not the “program files/the foundry/…”
then it works with x64 too!!!
where is this program data? when i open my c drive there are program files and program files(x86), there is no program data folder.
show system data folder on folder option in your windows
it is hidden. you have to enable hidden files and folders in your options
thank’s dude, it’s working on my windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64 BIT ^_^
please some help for mac users??
This error every time on a mac…
License Checkout ‘nuke’ Error -4991
Timestamp: Wed Mar 6 09:45:41 2013
License(s) Requested:
nuke 2013.0118 interactive with options all
Extended Info: None Provided
Reason for failure:
FLEXlm : License request failed.
RLM : The license string has an incorrect system ID.
Im desperate!!!
I dont know what else to do…its been a feww hours….Still incorrect system ID CRAP
@ Gerado…I’m Dealing ith the same crap.
Simply question…Anyone knows how to install plugins in nuke?
MAC uses,
do a chmod 755 on rlm.foundry when you replaced the original. The run the utility and install the lic and run the server. Check with to verify its is running.
Thanks xforce.
I was following the video tutorial.
Impossible to have the ISV running.
I do the REREAD again and again..
foundry initialization error: 5, not restarting
The ISV server is running on the wrong host.
This can happen if:
The hostid of this machine doesn’t match any license file
– or –
You are attempting to run the server on a virtual machine
Have you got an idea, guys?
Indeed the issue is that when the rlm.foundry file is copied on mac it is no longer detected as a “unix executable file” and is instead a “document.” To fix this problem.
1) open Utilities>Terminal
2) Type chmod 755 (followed by a single space after 755)
3) drag and drop the ‘rlm.foundry’ file into the terminal and hit return. This should revert it back to a unix exec file and all will be right in the jungle.
Hello tester, thanks for the answer, im really stuck installing. But maybe my mac knowledge is not that good, could you explain it for fool people? 😀 Sorry I dont what “do a chmod 755” means or how to do it.
windows 7 64bits
I was following the video tutorial.
Impossible to have the ISV running correctly.
I do the REREAD again and again..
rlm debug mode :
foundry initialization error: 5, not restarting
The ISV server is running on the wrong host.
This can happen if:
The hostid of this machine doesn’t match any license file
– or –
You are attempting to run the server on a virtual machine
Have you got an idea, guys?
Two things that helped me that seem straight-forward but… who knows.
First, the web interface for the server simply wouldn’t show. No matter how often I’d restart the Foundry Licensing Server from the windows services. After I restarted my machine, it was there right away.
Then, ISV wouldn’t start. I did that “Reread” thing five times – nothing. But then I restarted the Foundry Licensing Server and suddenly, ISV was running without me doing anything more.
So… the key if one experiences issues may just be trying to restart every possibly thing. And make sure that your firewall doesn’t interfere, because rlm, rlmutil and nuke7 all try to access your host IP.
Hi for those who managed to get it to work,
is this cracked version Nuke or NukeX? The files above, some say its Nuke, others say its NukeX. Does it really have all the features of NukeX?
It installs both.
elvisbobo :
A tutrial of Installing nuke7 and fixing the ISV server(i think is the biggest problem here) so nuke do not ask for the licence,
Sometimes you have to do the last procedure several times.
here is the link.
Thanks Elvisbobo, Nukex is working on my PC Now 🙂
elvisbobo :
A tutrial of Installing nuke7 and fixing the ISV server(i think is the biggest problem here) so nuke do not ask for the licence,
Sometimes you have to do the last procedure several times.
here is the link.
Thanks Elvisbobo, Nukex is now working
NOTE : Installing floating license(s) requires root permissions to start/restart the server
hi my friend i have same problem with MARI
I watched Video and did step by step everything
but :
——— ISV servers ———-
Name Port Running Restarts
foundry 12811 No 0
What i have to do ?
plz help
Your problem is probably with the first line in the license file. It should look like this:
HOST [your_Hostname] [your_mac_address] 5053
You can find your mac address by running diagnostics in the server utility, BUT THE MAC ADDRESS IS CALLED SYSTEM ID in the server utility.
Took me a while to figure that out. That may also be the problem with installing this nuke package, as it’s not very clear in the instructions.
The Mari2.0v1-win-x86-release-64-XForce package has better instructions and will install the server for all the other foundry packages.
I installed Mari, then reinstalled nuke bypassing the server install and nuke worked.
BTW, the last item in the string above is your PORT. You can find that in the server utility too.
Hope that helps.
good luck.
For those of you who are having problems with this installation – I never figured it out even with the video – try this.
Snatch Mari first. I used this one: Mari2.0v1-win-x86-release-64-XForce
Follow those instructions – super easy and very clear.
Install nuke, but don’t do the second step that installs the server BS. Why?
Mari does it for you.
Open nuke. Surprise – everything works just fine without all the hassle.
Worked for me and took less than 5 minutes..
Good luck.
Last post just to clarify something for those of you having trouble with this package.
Most of the problems seem to be with the license file.
The first line should look like this:
HOST [your_Hostname] [your_mac_address] 5053
Hostname= your computer name (typically)
mac_address = SYSTEM ID in the server utility diagnostic tab after running the diagnostics.
Port= whatever port. I’d use the default port it picks.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for sharing nukex
Thanks for your right comments, it works with my win and mac ! Place here is really the best^^