Blender Market – Auto-Rig Pro 3.50.20


Rig: Custom Limbs are in! The selected bones can be saved as a custom limb, so that they can be easily added in any armature later. This is the first phase of the implementation, only custom bones are fully supported. Auto-Rig Pro limbs (arms, legs…) as custom limbs will be supported later in the second phase of the implementation.

Skin: Multiple corrective shape keys per bones are now supported

Export: Selective action export using checkboxes in option

Rig: The custom shape edition has been improved to ensure the edited custom shape is always linked to the selected bone

Export: Allows custom bones export as masters controller (parent of the “root.x” bone)

Export: For humanoid export, allows location values different from 0 for the spine, neck and head bones


Rig: Bones used for the rotation of corrective shape keys don’t inherit scale anymore from their parent since it was leading to incorrect rotation evaluation

Rig: Some picker buttons were locked after applying changes

Rig: Set all picker buttons in layer 0

Rig: Removed the Reset All button from the picker, since it’s already included in the Rig Main properties interface

Smart: The fingers detection was broken with the Blender 2.83 update

Export: Ensure animation export without errors in case meshes have multiple armatures modifiers

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