Learn the complete photomanipulation workflow I use in Photoshop. I’ve been developing this way of working for 10 years when I took my first steps into the world of Photoshop photo editing.
Who is this class for?
Photoshop users who want to improve their photo manipulation skills
Most of the Photoshop techniques shown in this class are advanced so you will need at least basic skills and knowledge about the fundamentals of Photoshop like how to work with layers, masking, selections, etc.
Materials | Resources needed
This artwork was made using Photoshop CC 2021 but any CC version is ok.
With this class is included a folder with the stock images you need in order to follow along.
Graphics tablet: not mandatory but highly useful, especially on part 4 when you will learn an easy technique to paint hair using a custom made brush
This class covers the following topics:
Basic composition to create the main visual structure of the artwork
Pupper Warp editing
Using painted hair stock
Painting your own hair using a simple brushing technique
Advanced hair masking using channels
Basic shading
Camera RAW editing to create the final color and contrast effects
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